Did you know that almost every single state legally requires you to carry car insurance? It’s illegal to drive a motor vehicle in Missouri without an automobile liability insurance. Though your state probably requires a minimum amount of liability insurance, keep in mind the legal requirements they set are typically not enough to cover serious damages to a vehicle or more serious injuries. We as Nieroda Insurance Agency in Saint Charles we always embark on advising new buyers to acquire the best car insurance.
Auto insurance tips for new car buyers
Ensure you have the minimum liability coverage: Most states require you to have this coverage to pay for damages or injuries to others you may be responsible for when driving.
Undertake a driving course: Sometimes insurance companies will provide a discount for those who have completed an approved defensive driving course.
opt for voluntary deductibles: It’s a good way to lower your car insurance premiums. With this option, you agree to share the cost of repair in case of any claim resulting in lower premiums for an insurance plan.
Have comprehensive insurance cover: This caters for damages in an accident apart from collision. These include vagaries of nature like floods, tornadoes, fire as well as theft and vandalism.
Review the policy: When you have done your research and zeroed on a company read the policy carefully. If it contains the coverage that you had requested and priced, go for it.
Research additional discounts: Insurer provides a variety of discounts like allowing you to pay premiums at once for the entire coverage period.
If you purchase a car in Saint Charles, MO, we highly advise you to acquire an auto insurance policy of your choice. For any help visit our Nieroda Insurance Agency website and start your insurance experience with us!